We are all about couple workouts and we found the best shoes to workout in. They are Adidas swift run sneakers. I have always loved how lightweight and durable they are. They have held up to all types of workouts inside and out. We both have a few pairs in different color. Marky has always worked out and Adidas Swift Run are his go to workout shoes.
We found these on eBay at a great price. Some of the styles and print sell out super fast but you can always find them on eBay. I have my eye on the leopard ones next and Marky wants the camo pair!!

-Sneakers run big. Go down 1/2 size
-sweatshirt runs big. I’m wearing size xxs
Sizing reference:
I’m 5’1″. Typically wear 6.5-7 in shoes. XS/0 in tops and dresses. 24 in Jeans.
–Brought to you by eBay