
His & Hers: New Years Workout Plan

One of our New Year’s resolutions is to get healthy and get fit. Even though we are in decent shape, there is still room for improvement. I really just want to be able to walk up the stairs without being winded. Ha! I also want to get back in the routine of eating healthy. No more binge eating sweets like they’re going out of style!

First of all, you can’t start a new year and new workout routine without new workout clothes. On New Years day the hubs and I went to Nordstrom and each picked up some new fitness gear. The hubs got a new black sweatshirt–it has a big front pocket which is great for working out & it’s only $45! He already wants it in a few more colors. He also found a pair of Zella joggers–again, they have lots of pockets, these ones zip, which is a must for him. Clearly he has a thing for black–it’s slimming right?!

Nordstrom has everything you’ll need for you and your workout partner. My BKR studded water bottle is back in stock–it’s seriously the cutest thing ever and I swear I drink more water on days I use it.

In the past we’ve started the new year with a gym membership. I don’t know about you, but for me the gym can be very intimidating. I find myself not knowing exactly what to do next, and tend to get frustrated. So I found myself searching for a fitness program that tells me exactly what to do and will help me every step of the way. That’s when I came across BBG.

I heard a lot of girls talking about BBG, and after a little research I realized it’s exactly what I needed. For those of you that don’t know, BBG stands for Bikini Body Guide. It’s a program designed by Kayla Itsines including daily workouts, meal plans and access to an entire community of BBG users that help keep each other motivated.

The app includes a calendar that shows you what to do each and every day. When you start your daily workout, there are detailed instructions and a video of how each exercise is done. The workouts don’t take very long, maybe 30 minutes or so, but they can sure kick your butt.

Here’s a look at this weeks workout. Also note that I chose the beginner program because I am just getting back into it. They have programs built for those of you that may be more fit starting out.

Monday – Legs

Tuesday – 300 rep challenge and low intensity cardio

Wednesday – Arms and abs

Thursday – Low intensity cardio

Friday – Full body workout

Saturday – Low intensity cardio

Sunday – Rest day (aka my favorite day)

One of the hardest things to do, especially when first starting a new program, is to stay motivated. The app is really nice because it shows your goal for each day. Instead of walking into a gym not knowing what you’re going to do for the days workout, it’s right there in front of you. I also like that you can flip over to the community tab in the app and see all the other people just like you motivating and encouraging each other.

After you follow along with the day’s workout and make it to the end, the activity is marked as complete in the app. It’s nice to be able to look back and see all those completed activities. They even have timed challenges. I’ll admit I struggled a little bit with the first 300 rep challenge because I was sore from the previous days workout, but I can’t wait to try again and beat my time next week.

When it comes time to reward yourself for all your hard work, nothing beats a new pair of sneaks, that fitness tracker you’ve had your eye on, or even a trip to the salon for a spray tan to show off those new muscles you’re making. Don’t forget to reward your body as well for all it’s hard work. After a hard workout, it’s nice to take a relaxing hot bath with my favorite bath bomb. If I asked really nicely, I may even get a massage from the hubs.

Next month I”ll do an update and let you know how it’s going. If you have ANY questions at all, I’m more than happy to help. Just leave a comment below or email me and I’ll help in any way I can.

O U T F I T – D E T A I L S 
SWEATSHIRT:  Topshop | LEGGINGS:  Similar | SPORTS BRA:  Zella | HAT:  American Needle | SUNGLASSES:  Quay | WATER BOTTLE:  BKR | SHOES:  Similar
H I S – D E T A I L S
SWEATSHIRT:  The Rail | JOGGERS:  Zella | BEANIE:  Adidas | SUNGLASSES:  Similar | SNEAKERS:  Adidas 


-Sweatshirt is a little oversized. I’m wearing a US 2–it fits like an XS.
-His sweatshirt runs a little slim. He’s wearing a small.
His joggers run TTS. He’s wearing a small.
Sizing reference:
I’m 5’1″. Typically wear 6.5-7 in shoes. XS/0 in tops and dresses. 24 in Jeans.
 photo EDIT-_zpszs4yikky.jpg

Brought to you by Nordstrom.
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One thought on “His & Hers: New Years Workout Plan

  1. Great post! I personally do better with workout classes than just going to the gym. I'm forced to keep going and i'm not alone. Zumba and ballet are my favorite. Anything to keep my endurance and stamina up.


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